Friday, September 10, 2010

It is not too late nor too big a dream!

Our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak. We are far too easily pleased - C.S.Lewis 

Love, love, love, LOVE this quote! Great way to start off a weekend, huh? Our desire to be FABULOUS isn't a dream that surpasses God's ability or the strength He can provide. Let's keep working this weekend on being women who fiercely follow God and absolutely cherish our families. It's going to be a lifelong work, but it is so worth it!

Oh, and one word about families. I'm not assuming we're all married with kiddos. But, I am assuming we all have a family type of network. Whether family means your roommates, your parents, your siblings, or your friends, learning to shower love on them is an essential step toward becoming FABULOUS. At least, that's what I'm discovering on this journey. 

UPDATE - I need to be accountable to you. I'm falling behind in my effort toward reading, soaking in, and possibly memorizing the book of James. I did REALLY well with Chapter One...but so far in September, I'm lucky if I've read through chapter two more than once. So, I'm recommitting here and now to read that chapter at least twice a day and to start letting it absorb into my soul. So far, my goal of saying more affirming and encouraging words to my husband is going well. Of course, I always have room to grown, but I'm working on it every day. And, outside of honking at someone who was traveling at a snail's pace through a green arrow this morning (after which I was totally convicted), I really am seeing progress in my struggle with irritability. I hope that's not just because it's cooler outside! :)

How are you doing? Let's check in with each other from time to time. Next week we'll focus on becoming FABULOUS by believing we can impact our world - even though we're SO busy. I can't wait to hear how God is working in and through you to make a difference in the lives of others!

Happy Weekend! 

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