Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Where to begin?

You know how it is when you have a super-duper good idea and you want so badly to achieve the greatness of which you dream? You get all pumped up and primed and ready for action. You feel like if you don't move on this new adventure right this very moment your heart will leap out of your chest and run around trying to accomplish the awesome thing on its own! Do you know that feeling?

If you do, then maybe you can also relate to the feeling that comes when you're so ready to jump in feet first that you forget to actually stop and think about what exactly it is you're jumping into...or where exactly to jump first. That's kind of where I find myself tonight.

I so desperately wish to become this FABULOUS woman. The time to make changes is now. I want to be healthy, I want to love God and my family better, I want to serve others, and I want to develop my own sense of style that allows me to feel confident and beautiful in any situation and at any age (without spending a lot of time or cash, of course). Is that too much to ask?

No, just as it's NOT TOO LATE it's also NOT TOO MUCH. When God is in something, it is never too much to ask. There's no request that causes Him to raise His providential eyebrow as if too say, "Really, you want ALL  that? Why don't you just ask for the moon?"

If it is in His will, nothing is impossible with God! And, why wouldn't it be His will for us to become all we can be? Why wouldn't He want us to follow Him more closely, serve our families, and learn to truly love ourselves? I can't see anything here that is outside of what our Creator wants for us. I believe all of this and so much more can and will happen if we ask for His help. But, it's not going to happen over night.

Expecting to be FABULOUS right this instant is like picking up a microphone for the first time and, without even trying, expecting to be able to belt out a gut-wrenching tune like Janis, a soulful rendition like Aretha, or a sweet melody like Amy (Grant...that one's for my friend Catherine!) How can I expect to become FABULOUS immediately when I've allowed myself to pretty much live otherwise for 40 years?

OK, yes, God could snap His celestial fingers and make me everything I want to be in less than a fraction of a second. But, He rarely chooses to do it that way. I'm reminded of some words from the Bible that will keep me from entertaining that fantasy: ...when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing. ~ James 1:2b-4 (NLT)

I don't know about you, but that tells me becoming FABULOUS takes hard work...and a lot of faith...and going through some struggles...and, well, time!

So, I've realized that jumping into FABULOUS-ness (there's that made up word again) isn't something I can just do all willy-nilly. I've got to look at this truly as a journey rather than simply a destination.

But, where does the process begin? It's got to start with following God better. We can be working simultaneously on all aspects of our lives, getting healthy, showering love on our families, volunteering in places that are doing good, and learning how to dress our widely differing shapes. But, it all has to start at the Top.

The number-one priority for the FABULOUS woman is to FOLLOW GOD FIERCELY. I know this is the one area in which I both struggle the most and would most like to see improvement. Are you there? Well, let's work on it together. Everything else will follow.

I'm committing to you that this week I will stop making excuses and start reading my Bible and spending time talking with God in prayer every day. I won't promise that it will always happen first thing in the morning or even that it will happen at the same time every day. But, I promise that it WILL be a priority and it WILL happen. Will you think about making that commitment with me?

So, we're starting at the beginning, it's a very good place to start (thank you, Julie Andrews!). Once we get the do-re-mi down pat, we'll be ready to start singing. And, someday, we'll all be Aretha or (insert the name of the powerhouse female vocalist you adore most)!

Now, it's your turn. Tell me what you do, or what you're going to start doing, to FOLLOW GOD FIERCELY! Can't wait to read your ideas. Until then, I hope you have a great night and some FABULOUS time with God!


  1. Oh Jill I love what your trying to unwrap here.
    This quote I have speaks well to this. "My business is not to remake myself, but rather to make the absolute best of what God has made."-
    Robert Browning.
    Seems like the one prayer echoed over and over these days is, Help me to become exactly who you intended me to be Lord in all the roles I fill."
    I have figured out apart from God even on a good day the real meaning is always going to be lost in an emptiness.
    And if I continue to postpone things until there is a complete order to my life, well then that's going to be impossible.
    The children are grown, but now there's parents needing me and the list goes on for most of us.
    So the journey is now, each day.
    My prayer is that I don't miss the opportunties that God puts before me. What I really want is a "chicken little experience" so I know for sure it's God. Could he just make it REALLY clear.
    You know the sky just fall down on my head.
    I believe for me it's the fear of failure, "perfection." And the desire to control and fix.
    That's not so fabulous. It's freeing to get that.
    There's a song I'm humming right now out of nowhere that we have all heard that goes something like this...Day by day/Oh dear Lord the three things I pray/To see Thee more clearly/Love thee more dearly/Follow Thee more nearly/Day by day.
    For me it is a day by day seeking to unlock this fabulous.
    We all hear a different song in our head, but our hearts cry out the same.

  2. I love your Amy reference, Jill! You're a terrific writer who offers thought provoking commentary that inspires me to be better.


  3. Can I be your copy-cat? I will commit to reading the Bible daily and spending time in prayer...aside from prayer time at the station. I feel like a hypocrite sometimes being a Christian radio host and reading devotions with the kids but sometimes not having enough energy or desire to crack open the Bible every day...yet still have time to Facebook. So yeah...I will read the Bible every day and spend time talking to the Lord.


  4. "MOM" - WOW! Thanks for the amazing insights! I will probably find myself passing on the Browning quote quite often, too! Looking forward to hearing more from you, my friend!

    CAT - of course you can be my copy-"CAT". I'd be honored and we will both grow so much. Yeah!!! LET'S DO IT!!!!
